6215 - Substance Misuse Treatment Service for Young People

Published: 10/25/2024

The Council is looking to appoint a single provider for delivery of its Substance Misuse Treatment Service for Young People. The vision for this service is for a dynamic, responsive service with a strong presence in the community that supports young people and can work with partners towards achieving the national drug strategy ambition of achieving a generational shift in the demand for drugs.

The Provider should be flexible and ready to work in partnership with a range of stakeholders. Services will be delivered in settings suitable for children and young people. The Provider will design and deliver an innovative, fit for purpose, young people friendly service with the following key service elements:




Digital offer


The Provider will work proactively with partners as part of a broader system of effective integrated pathways and packages of care to provide a system of support to young people around all aspects of substance misuse. The Provider will employ a strengths-based approach with a focus on enhancing young people's resilience and deliver a service that reflects the specific needs of the young people who use them.