712812451 ALT PNT eLORAN Support Contract Notice
Published: 10/25/2024
The DE&S Alt PNT Programme assessment phase will be focused on maturing diverse and complementary alternative PNT (non-GNSS) technologies, in order to develop a suite of information & options to inform subsequent exploitation by the UK MOD. In particular, the project is intending to mature technologies that are currently in prototype form, through to a stage where representative demonstrators & supporting information exists. - As part of achieving the aims for the project, a deployable eLoran infrastructure (transmitter network) has been identified as a potential capability that the project is keen to investigate further. Work is therefore required to produce a report that looks to investigate deployable eLoran technology.
Expressions of Interest are required to receive the Tender documentation, this can be requested at desspace-comrcl@mod.gov.uk by 25th October at 12:00. In order to receive the documentation, you must demonstrate you have the appropriate security clearance (SC). The tender documentation will then be released by 15:00 on 25th October, with the tender closing date being 22nd November at 15:00.