Hyde Grounds Maintenance Services Framework Tender
Published: 10/26/2024
Hyde is creating a new framework to secure the provision of grounds maintenance services in four geographic regions / lot areas: Lot 1 - London, Lot 2 - Kent, Lot 3 - South and Lot 4 - North (East Anglia). Call Off Contracts will be offered to the 1st ranked bidders of each lot for a 3 year period. The Framework Agreement will last for a period of four (4) years and will allow: • use by other Public Sector bodies (Authorised Users) to appoint the successful suppliers, the framework will be managed and advertised by National Framework Partnership (NFP, see below); • direct call-off from the Framework if there are specific advantages or requirements for this; and • mini-tenders - Where Hyde / Authorised User is not able to determine which supplier will provide it with the most economically advantageous offer for the proposed call-off contract by reference to the Contractors' Pricing Submissions and Quality Submissions for the Framework Agreement (or would like to promote competition). Any contracting Authority, as defined in Regulation 2 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, may utilise our frameworks. The list below covers all current and future contracting authorities: (https://www.ons.gov.uk/methodology/classificationsandstandards/economicstatisticsclassifications/introductiontoeconomicstatisticsclassifications) • Housing associations, including registered social landlords • Councils, including county councils, district councils, county borough councils, community councils, London borough councils, unitary councils, metropolitan councils, parish councils • Ministerial and non-ministerial government departments • Executive agencies of government and other subsidiary bodies • Non-Departmental Public Bodies (NDPBs), including advisory NDPBs, executive NDPBs, and tribunal NDPBs • All non-Crown Status Government Companies wholly or partly owned by central government departments and their subsidiaries • Assembly Sponsored Public Bodies (ASPBs) • Police forces - this includes Police Forces and Special Police Forces in the UK, Police and Crime Commission