Tender for the provision of Support Service for Unpaid Carers

Published: 10/26/2024

Herefordshire Council is seeking to appoint a service provider for the provision of a county wide Carer Support Service which will support all unpaid carers by providing advice, guidance, support and signposting.
Service will include the provision of accessible, up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive and proportionate advice and local information relating to Care and Support for people and Support for carers as required by Section 4 of the Care Act 2014. It is estimated that there are over 40,000 of Herefordshire adults were providing some level of unpaid care in 2023.

The Invitation to Tender (ITT) is being carried out under the Light Touch Regime (LTR) allowed within The Public Contract Regulations 2015, Reg 74 to 77 and therefore applies the flexibilities afforded under above regulation.
Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) (TUPE) regulations will apply.